Saturday, August 11, 2007

Bitter Pill to swallow

I tried posting a comment on but it failed to be published...a minor thing referred to as comment moderation got the better of it.

Well here goes my open letter to the moderators and people behind

"Just as I suspected, you people are so biased that you are willing to publish an extremely biased and malicious review of Spider every month - which happens to be the only credible IT magazine in the country but when it comes to publishing the mistakes of your esteemed 'reviewer' ...(yes I am being sarcastic) written in his chosen style via blogs( that is by getting personal and abusive) you guys chickened out from publishing my comments to his review.... Is that being fair ?

I guess tasting your own medicine is a bitter pill to swallow.

Why don't you have a moderation policy for what your bloggers are posting online ?
Is moderation only meant for people commenting on your blog ?

Keep up the biased attitude and publishing crap in the name of so called reviews and you will soon lose out on credibility and popularity.

1 comment:

oomi said...

ya buddy definately i visited your blog and and found quiet intrusting pills there keep it up dude u "ROCKS"